H1 biology at ACJC aims to instill in students a broad sense of appreciation and awe for biological nature and for them to use their biological knowledge in their everyday life.
We envision each H1 biology student developing their interest in biology and building the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be scientifically literate, and to be ready for the challenges of the 21st century. We want to develop students’ understanding, skills, ethics and attitudes relevant to the practices of science so that they will be able to address the broader questions of what life is and how life is sustained.
Pass in ‘O’ level biology OR
Pass in combined science with biology
H2 Biology at ACJC aims to develop in students the disciplinary understanding, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue careers in biology-related fields.
In addition to the desired student outcomes described for H1 biology, we hope to inculcate in every H2 biology student a global outlook, equipped with adequate biological knowledge, rigour and skills to understand happenings in the scientific world. The teaching program is designed to train and equip students with critical thinking skills and to be effective communicators of science.
Pass in ‘O’ level biology OR
Indicative recommendation of min. ‘B3’ for combined science with biology
The H3 biology syllabus aims to cater to students with a strong foundation in H2 biology and keen to pursue a more comprehensive understanding of the discipline in both depth and breadth.
We envision each H3 biology student deepening their knowledge and skills, and fostering attitudes necessary for further studies in biology-related fields; developing the skills to think deeply, laterally and critically about biological issues; critically analysing information by building well-structured arguments that integrate knowledge and skills acquired from different areas of biology; and developing the skills needed for effective engagement in scientific discourse.
Excellent results in H2 biology and commendable results in other subjects at the JC1 Promotional Examinations
Student engagement lies at the very heart of our teaching approach and lessons are centered on students’ learning. They are designed to be interactive and collaborative with ample opportunities for students to participate in scientific discourse.
H1 biology is taught through tutorial-based instruction; H2 biology is delivered through a variety of content lectures, tutorial lessons and practical sessions; H3 biology engages students through seminar-style discussions.
Independent and self-directed learning is also a key feature of our pedagogy, where students are expected to take ownership of their acquisition of knowledge, so as to enhance the quality of academic discussion during lessons.
The syllabus is divided into two parts, the core ideas and the extension topics.
The core ideas explore the workings of life in the fundamental areas of cellular functions, cellular physiology and biochemistry, DNA and genomics, genetics and inheritance, photosynthesis and cellular respiration, stem cells, cancer development as well as biological evolution.
The extension topics are based on emerging fields in biology, and require students to demonstrate the application of knowledge from the core ideas to real-world scientific issues. The extension topic(s) comprises climate change (for H1/2/3 biology) and infectious diseases (for H2/3 biology only).
Details on the syllabus learning outcomes and scheme of assessment can be found in the following SEAB documents for the relevant years:
For Year of Examination 2025
H1 Biology Syllabus
H2 Biology Syllabus
H3 Biology Syllabus
For Year of Examination 2026 onward