ACJC Celebrates the Class of 2020
On the 19th of February 2021, ACJC received the GCE A-Level examination results for the Class of 2020. In keeping with Safe Management Measures (SMM), the release of the results was decentralised, with the Class of 2020 receiving their results from their form teachers in their classrooms.

The College livestreamed a Zoom call from the Principal, Dr Shirleen Chee, who welcomed the alumni back to their alma mater.The Zoom call also featured some of the returning alumni, including 44th Students’ Council President Evan Lim, and Vice-President Chloe Lee.

The College is proud to announce that the Class of 2020 have achieved excellent results, a true testament to their hard work, dedication, and determination. Based on the MOE indicator of “percentage of candidates obtaining at least 3 H2 passes, with a pass in GP or KI”, 97.7% of our 745 students achieved this, surpassing the national average of 93.6%. With regard to quality of performance, the Class of 2020 has indeed performed well in terms of the numbers of students scoring at least 3 H2 distinctions. The College is also delighted that the first cohort of H2 Computing students have performed very well. The Mean Ranking Points for the cohort also leaves them well-positioned for the way forward.
The Class of 2020 experienced unprecedented challenges in their JC2 year, but they met these challenges with tenacity and passion. They quickly re-designed Orientation 2020 to ensure that their juniors had an enjoyable and safe introduction to ACJC. During full home-based learning, they worked with discipline and a cheerful attitude, keeping their eyes fixed on their goal. They came up with inventive ways to continue their co-curricular activities and programmes on virtual platforms. Some examples included the International Oldham Cup 2020, which garnered over 500 participants and 100 judges, working on-line using Zoom and Google Meet. Teams crossed time zones that varied across 8 hours GMT to debate with each other. The finals were livestreamed internationally. The Science and Maths Council organised their inaugural Sci-Teens Challenge, a Science digital video competition to engage students to utilise various ICT tools to explain scientific phenomenon in a novel and innovative manner.
Despite the pandemic, the Class of 2020 embarked on community projects like AC Care as part of the Be Kind SG’s efforts to convey Singapore’s gratitude to our healthcare workers. They took the opportunity to appreciate our cleaners. Each class designed a poster to show their appreciation for the school cleaners who had to step up tremendously to ensure that the College is well-sanitised to combat the COVID-19 virus and a group also organised a small appreciation tea session and presented a gift pack for each of the cleaners. Another notable project was the collaboration with our brother schools from ACS (Barker), ACS (Junior) and ACS (Primary) to bless the foreign dormitory workers at Chancery Court, Dunearn Road.

At the end of the year, they took their A-Level examinations with additional safety measures with calm purpose, in the assurance that they had done their best, with the support of their teachers, parents, and the whole ACJC community.
We give thanks for each and every member of the Class of 2020, and wish them all the best for the next phase of their journey.
The College would like to thank all who have played a part in the success of the Class of 2020: our dedicated staff, the ever-supportive parents, and the wider ACS and Methodist family.
Most of all, we give thanks to God for His infinite goodness.
To God be the Glory! The Best is Yet to Be